Let's look at the process for quickly creating your list of must-have "how-to/tips" content and then how to use this content for developing links to your site.
Why "how-to/tips" content?
How-to content speaks broadly to an industry's pains. Solving pains with content leads to links and targeted traffic.
Oke lets start...
1. Select Appropriate Keywords
You will use two or three high-level market defining keywords (MDKWs), as well as one or two informative content descriptors such as ["how to"], [tips], [guide to], [Top * Ways], etc...
2. Construct Your Competitive Content Analysis Queries
For a quick check, only create one or two queries. If you're building out a bread baking site your queries could look like: ["bake bread" "how to"] and ["guide to" "baking bread"]. In these cases, the MDKWs are "baking bread" and "bake bread," while the content descriptors are "how to" and "guide to."
Once you have an idea of how the process works and you're ready to really dig into your space, consider using 10 or more carefully grouped queries that are appropriate to your niche (note: not every industry titles its informative content with "how to").
3. In Advanced Search, Set Your Search Engine to Deliver 100 Results
Before or after searching your queries, set your favorite search engine to deliver you 100 results on a page.
4. Copy and Paste the Organic SERPs into a Text Pad
Once you conduct your search, carefully select all the title and snippet content from the organic section of the SERPs. Copy this content and paste it into a text pad. Repeat this process for all of your queries, being careful not to paste over your previously pasted SERPs!
5. Count Phrase Occurrences Within the Ranking How-To Content
To identify what topics occur most frequently in the ranking how-to content in your space, paste all of the content from your text pad into the Phrase Occurrence Content Analysis Tool. Look at the most commonly occurring six-, five-, four-, three-, and two-word phrases from your SERP set.
6. List Your Informative Content Titles
By adding 200 SERP listings from these two searches ["bake bread" "how to"] and ["guide to" "baking bread"], we find common phrases, such as "beginner's guide to baking bread" (11 times), "a guide to whole grain breadmaking" (six times), "bake bread on the grill" (five times), and "bread without an oven" (six times).
We also uncover some important bread-related concepts, such as "bread the five families of bread" (six times). Who knew bread had five families? Well, the content experts in your space knew that. Now you do too and you can research and then reference them when creating your how-to content on baking bread on the grill.
7. Create Better How-To Content
Simply rewriting the how-to content that exists won't cut it. Once you have your content list created, go back and review the content that's ranking well for the titles you selected.
Now, how can you one-up this content? See what's missing such as great pictures, a video, a group interview with industry experts on how they solve this how-to problem, an intuitive organization, exhaustive detail, a downloadable spreadsheet, a simple tool/widget that makes a process easier, etc... Then start creating content.
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